Along with the design material being original and novel it is equally important that no such work is already registered with the Design Registry. Design search is performed for various purposes ranging from assessing the designability of the subject matter to analyzing the risk in the relevant market and understanding the landscape in which the new design/work operates.

While perusing design databases is straightforward, culling out appropriate and meaningful information from the vast number of design documents available requires special research skills, technology insight and a thorough understanding of the design system. Once a search is performed and relevant prior art/design is shortlisted, making sense of the data based on the purpose requires an in-depth insight into design law, superior analytical skills and ability to clearly present the same.


Our team of Design Associates at J&P brings technical expertise, design knowledge and domain experience together, to perform value-added design searches. We at Jain & Partners understand that a self authored work is of great prestige to the individual/ organization and thus we are very diligent in conducting an all round search and provide the best possible advice. Our process driven approach, time based delivery, and designed templates set us apart from other service providers.