Counterfeiting is trademark infringement through use of identical or virtually identical signs with similar packaging designed to deceive consumers as the original one in exorbitant low prices. The e-commerce boom in India has resulted in an explosion of online retailers selling counterfeit goods which are portrayed as original but with heavy discounts. Most difficult part is tracking such sellers as they do not put the manufacturer’s or importer’s name on the product, making it easy to deny its sale in case of action.
Our team carries vast experience in the area of anti-counterfeiting, measures. India has no specific legislation dealing with counterfeiting, but various statutes provide civil, criminal and administrative remedies. We therefore invoke such remedies in the best possible way to tackle the situation.
We provide anti-counterfeiting measure like procuring search and seizure orders from various Indian courts against counterfeiters that manufacture and distribute counterfeit goods and initiate criminal and civil actions against them.