Effective analysis and organization of company's rights in trademark is known as trademark portfolio management. It helps companies to evaluate potential business opportunities and strength and weakness of its rights. An efficient analysis of trademarks and brands helps in bifurcating between under performing trademarks having no economic value or unused licensing opportunities, analysing competitor's portfolio, to understand company’s position in the market. It helps in understanding and finding out core areas for business development, promotional programs and IP investment.
Our team of experts maintains our client’s portfolio and prepares a detailed analysis report according to the need of the situation. We highlight all the risk and benefits to help our clients make an informed decision. We further keep a track of all due renewals of clients trademark.
We provide specific advice to our client according to the situation. We manage our client profile to let them know when a trademark has left no commercial value and when there is an investing opportunity for promotion or advertising. We also analyse our client competitor’s portfolio to get a fair idea of the market and the competition.